6 months?! I can't believe I haven't blogged in 6 months. I'm not even sure where to begin, but lets begin with the good stuff. I am leaving for Charleston, SC in less than 3 weeks. I have been accepted into MUSC's accelerated BSN program and couldn't be more thrilled. I am in the process of securing (hopefully) a cute 2 bedroom condo on James Island- a hot spot according to former Charleston dwellers. I will be embarking on this new exciting adventure with my best friend from Cincinnati and we are soooo ready for it. We have hit a few potholes and a couple of "road closed" signs, but somehow things have worked themselves out. God is good. :)
Besides, what is life without a little stress? I don't think I know any other way. I am trying to prepare myself for the sweltering weather that is to come, but with the beautiful Atlantic less than 10 minutes away, how can I complain? Sure I'm not going to have any furniture... (I'm only taking what will fit in my car) and yes I will be sleeping on a not so plush air mattress until I can afford to buy a bed, but this is the life! Who needs all that stuff anyways? Furniture shmurniture! I've got my textbooks (well I will soon), my beach towel and an "embrace life" attitude. Charleston, here I come!
Though I am very excited for this new adventure, it will be sad to leave my family and friends behind. But I feel like at this time in my life, this is where I need to be. Ken returned home in June from serving his 2 year mission for our church in Tempe, AZ. It's been so good to have him home. He will be leaving around the same time I am to head back out to AZ to start school there. Jay is in San Diego right now trying to finish out his last 6 months in the Navy and his wife is still in DC. Hopefully they will be able to reunite soon. Arthur is about halfway through his mission in the Oakland California Mission. Missing him dearly. Paul is starting his senior year this fall. Crazy how grown up we all are. Is it possible to slow time down?
Spring Things (mostly baseball) 2022
1 month ago