Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Blessings In Disguise

Lately I've been thinking about how blessed Daniel and I have been. Moving from Bellingham, WA to Gallipolis, OH was THE worst decision financially we could've ever made; spiritually, it's a different story. We still have our struggles, but we have grown closer and stronger as a couple. I am beginning to truly understand why putting God first brings me closer to my husband. I still have my nights when I pass up scripture study for a good t.v. show or sleep, and I'm not perfect about hitting those knees as often as I should, but I have come a ways, and I'm still pushing forward.

I also want to say paying tithing really really makes a difference! It seems evey time money gets really tight and I don't know how we're going to be able to pay the next bill, we're blessed and find a way. For those who say they can't afford to pay it, I'll quote my father in law, "I can't afford not to pay it!"

Heavenly Father wants to bless us. The only thing standing in between God and us receiving those blessings are ourselves. We turn away from Him, not the other way around. No one said this life would be easy. And I certainly don't recall anyone saying it would be fair, but if we live faithfully doing the best that we can, it will all be worth it. I forget this sometimes, luckily I have an amazing husband to gently remind me. There is a reason for everything that happens to us. We may not always know what that is, but one day it will all be clear to us. Our trials aren't meant to break us. They are there to make us strong. No one is in control of your life except for you. Don't waste time worrying about the things you don't have any control over. Why? Who needs added stress? Focus on things that are in your control. If you're not happy, it's not because of any person in your life. It's because of you. Happiness is something from within. I know my life may have been a walk in the park compared to some others, and people may say "well that's easy for you to say, you haven't been through what I've been through." All I know is that I have been tested to my limits time and time again. I did the best that I could with what I had. And the moment I stopped blaming other people for my unhappiness, the peace came. It's hard to not let other people have control over that, but the power is within us. So we decide. Let's start looking at the good, and change all the negative that we have control over. Let's not shake our finger at God every time something goes wrong, because all we're getting are blessings in disguise.


Holli said...

Sing it, sista! Oh, Cyd, I'm so glad you finally posted a blog. I miss our "daily devotionals." You should save that info for you're next talk... being in small branch, I'm sure you'll get plenty of opportunities.

You have such a good attitude! Keep that blogging up!

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