Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Not Enough Hours in the Day

Yet the days feel so long and drawn out and as I type my bed is calling me. It's only 8:14 in the evening. I worked until 4:15, and in the midst of me driving home I had to pull over for an unearthly coughing attack that I was for sure was going to cause me to puke all over my lap, then after I regained composure, I finished the drive home. I arrived around 4:40. Not too bad. I walked up the stairs to my apartment and threw open the door only to be welcomed to the pleasant aroma of dog poop (under my kitchen table), so I plug my nose and make a mad dash for the bathroom to scoop up the poop and flush it only to find that not only had my dog pooped under the table but he also peed under the table. Lovely. At this point I feel like I'm going to puke again from the disgusting smell of dog crap. So I am desperately fumbling for that bacteria odor eating lemon scented spray which in all actuality makes me gag as well, but it's a better choice than poop. I running over every corner of the kitchen trying to cover the scent and quickly grab the lighter and start burning the 3 smelly candles I keep in the kitchen just for this purpose. Hey, a woman has to be prepared. After I managed to get the kitchen to smelling tolerable, I dumped a bunch of paper towels on the giant pee spot, soaked up as much as I could and then put the swiffer to work. 5:00. Wonderful husband calls asks if I want him to pick up something to eat. Mmm... pizza. I talk to my mom on the phone for about 30 min. until my husband gets home and then we chow down on delicious 5 dollar Little Ceasars Pizza and breadsticks. 6:00. I decide to take some timeout and watch the new t.v. series we have gotten sucked into. 7:00 I become aware that the kitchen sink is looking a little full, so proceed to scrub down the kitchen. 7:30 time to prepare dinner for tomorrow. I decided on a crockpot dinner. Gotta cut up all those veggies! 8:00. Finish folding laundry that was washed 3 days ago and has been sitting in the dryer. 8:30. Type in blog about how little I accomplish in a single day! I feel exhausted and it's time for bed soon. yikes... I don't even have kids yet.


Holli said...

I totally feel your pain, sista! But, don't worry, all those things you're doing are contributing more than you know to your family.

Debbie and Matt said...

I know exactly how you feel! Except I start feeling like I want to sleep around noon! I get up to go to work 30 minutes before I have to leave hahahahaha! I am tired all the time! How are you doing besides being tired! Feel free to call me anytime k 801-616-6510~

Holli said...

Cyd, I was reading my friend, Jessica's, blog about her excitement to return to camp as a leader and it made me nostaglic about our camping times. You MUST write a blog about our camping experiences for old times sake! :) We had some crazy times...

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