Update: I got into Purdue North Central and will be starting classes in June. I'm very excited, but I'm sure I'll be less thrilled when I'm actually having to study :) It's finally starting to warm up here in NW Indiana, and I am basking in the sunshine.
On this Easter Sunday, I feel an immense gratitude for my Savior and His selfless gift of an infinite Atonement. Day by day, hour by hour I feel the hand of my Savior slowly putting me back together. It's been a puzzle I've been unable to complete myself, but with His perfectly eternal perspective He knows where to lay each piece so that it fits just right. I am grateful that I have my brother Ken serving a mission in Tempe, Arizona and another brother Arthur getting ready to serve in the Philippines,Naga mission. My brother Jay is currently serving in the Navy and always trying to find ways to bless our family. My youngest brother Paul is in his Sophomore year of high school and he strengthens me and keeps me grounded. Right now my brother Jay just returned from being overseas and we are all together as a family again except for Ken. We are nice and cozy in a two bedroom apartment, and even though it's cramped, I love it! My annoying little baby brothers are all grown up now, and it's crazy that I can actually have normal conversations with them! I am excited for Arthur to go serve the Lord, but I will really miss him especially since I feel like we have started to grow close this past month.
I have been truly blessed with an amazing family who loves me and is always there for me. I am amazed by the outpouring of blessings I have had even though I know I am so far from deserving a majority of them. A month ago I was certain that life was over, and that I had no reason to go on. I thought the darkness would surely swallow me whole and that what was broken was beyond repair. In Alma 26:27 it says "Now when our hearts were depressed, and we were about to turn back, behold the Lord comforted us...bear with patience thine afflictions, and I will give unto you success." Patience is not one of my strong points, in fact it has been something I have struggled with my whole life, but I have felt Heavenly Father working within me to give me strength to make the changes I desire to make. As I have prayed for patience and the strength to not just bear my burdens, but bear them well, my eyes have been opened to all the wonderful things Heavenly Father is still giving me. He loves me and wants me to be happy. And you know what? I am happy.
Spring Things (mostly baseball) 2022
1 month ago
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