So it is official! I registered for classes today, submitted my financial aid, bought my way too heavy books, and most importantly feel extremely nervous and stressed. Starting school wouldn't be complete without that last one :) I have less than a week before classes start and I got into all of my classes except one. I'll have to go to the professor personally to see if she will add me to her class. I'm crossing my fingers because I sure don't need anymore setbacks. There is still this little voice in my head whispering "Are you sure you want to do this?" The voice of reason answers back "YES!" But that insecurity still never completely disappears. Brick walls aren't meant to keep us out... they're there for us to prove how badly we want something, right? (Thanks to Randy Pausch for that one)
On the note of insecurity I did feel somewhat out of place. It seemed like everywhere I looked there were prepubescent teenagers and I felt like the old "grandma" that comes back to get more education. Ok I know realistically I probably don't stick out that bad, but I started thinking maybe I need to resort back to wearing t shirts and pajama pants just to feel comfortable. I do have a bright pink backpack! ...I'm not sure if that's even cool... hmmm actually I'm sure it's not, but oh well.
Spring Things (mostly baseball) 2022
1 month ago
Good Luck Cyd...I know you'll do just fine!
Cyd, you're right. RELAX! It reminds me of an SNL skit... who was that guy who sat in front of the mirror and did the daily affirmations? Can't remember. Anyways, I remember the affirmation. Look in a mirror and repeat after me. "I'm good enough. I'm smart enough. And, gosh darn it, people like me."
Oh, by the way, pink backpacks are totally cool... especially if you can score some with wheels.
Cyd you will be great! You definately won't stick out either, Gabe was a freshman last year and 25. Even though he was older than some of his TA's he said he learned so much more because he was older, more mature and focused. Good luck. All you need now is maybe a bright pink fanny pack to go with your backpack!
Thanks for all your guys support! I will now where my pink backpack with confidence :)
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