Do you ever have those moments when somebody (let's say your husband) has something happen that you feel like could've been prevented (like for example somebody stealing his new running shoes) and he's telling you the story and you know he's frustrated and doesn't need the extra guilt and instead of giving the response you KNOW you should give, you give into the raging nag inside of you? Yes, that was me tonight.
I am very upset that somebody stole my husbands brand new $90 black Nike running shoes! And due to this petty theft, it caused my husband a lot of problems at work. He just had an awful day, and of course I didn't make it any better. It's the tight-wad inside of me that is ready to step into the boxing ring. I think sometimes I sit on my high and mighty throne thinking to myself how such things could never happen to me because I would be more careful and thoughtful, but really I can't say that is always true. I do have to say it really makes me lose my faith in humanity that you can't even trust a pair of shoes amongst your co workers. What is wrong with people? Don't they know we're making the same pay OR LESS and that if they wanted that pair so bad we could've directed them to the nearest Dick's Sporting Goods for assistance? People disgust me. I am angry and unfortunately I misdirected that anger at my husband and now have to call and humbly apologize (or try). But I swear if I ever find the jerk who took my husband's shoes and screwed up his whole day because of it, he'll get my right Addidas shoe and he won't like where it goes. Sorry for the vulgarity, I'm still fuming. I'm going to call my husband now. Thanks.
Spring Things (mostly baseball) 2022
1 month ago
MAN! Someone stole his gym shoes?!? That's so ridiculous. What a punk...
That's whole things is so high school, gym shoes? come on now! I would be mad too.
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