Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Hunt

So I have been looking for a job now for a little over a month, and haven't had the best luck. I recently had an interview with 5/3 and I think they want to offer me the position, but I've decided to withdraw my application since my fall schedule is going to be very hectic during the daytime hours... so that won't work so well with a daytime job. Unfortunately. At the same time I absolutely have grown to appreciate life outside of banking, so this was the perfect excuse needed to not apply for anymore banking jobs! Phew!
So now that the area I have the most experience in (the past 5 years) is out of the question, where does that leave me? Well I was a server for a small, but busy restaurant in Provo for a summer, and once upon a time I worked retail for about a year. So here's my issue. I would much rather work in retail because, not to sound prissy, but you stay clean. You don't sweat and smell like food, and who can argue that they don't love the discounts? Especially when it's my FAVORITE store- Ann Taylor. Yes I have an interview with them tomorrow, and it's pretty much my dream job. Ok not at all, but it is my FAVORITE store which is a really good thing and really bad thing. Working in retail has proven not to pay very well and with the little money that I make... staring at clothes that adore all day will make it very difficult for me not to spend the very little money I make.
I have a couple friends who have said they would try to help me get a job at a server at the restaurants they work at. Serving. Agh. It's stressful. It's stinky. And people are rude. I thought people were rude at banks, but they are worse when it comes to food. I should've realized this since I know what a grouch I become when I'm hungry. To be quite honest being a waitress is tiring. And I have a secret fear that customers will hate me and that I'll mess up orders and get yelled at. BUT the money is typically better in serving. If you're good at the job, you have the potential to bring home a nice sum in tips. But who's to say I will be good at it? So that is my dilemma. Maybe Ann Taylor won't hire me and then there won't be a dilemma, but for now this is where I'm at. Feel free to offer opinions. :)


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