Many of you know my passion for music and lyrics. This is a newer song by Carrie Underwood that really touched me. I suppose I can relate to it, and that's why it hits a soft spot. It's been a really indescribable experience to go through a divorce. Though I wish neither Daniel nor I had to experience the pain brought on, I have learned some valuable lessons that I'm not sure I would've learned any other way. For the first time in my life, I feel really good about who I am and where I am going. For my whole life, I struggled with who I was and a past I couldn't forget. I let previous mistakes haunt me, and carried a burden not knowing how to unload it. I am unloading it now, and the joy and peace I have felt has been worth every tear cried and every moment of pain and suffering. The gospel is an amazing thing. I am doing remarkably well given the circumstances, but I can't say that I don't miss my husband. I do.
Divorce brings up so many mixed emotions. Anger, disgust, sadness, hopelessness, relief, fear, hopefulness, leaves you feeling nothing but confusion about how you're supposed to feel. But there is one emotion that surpasses all. Love. It doesn't disappear overnight or even over months. So while I'm happy for the person I am becoming, it's hard not to share that joy with the one that matters most.
I believe with my whole heart that Heavenly Father has a wonderful plan for me. I trust in it. I just don't know what that plan is, and I am struggling with how I'm supposed to feel or what I'm supposed to do. I know in the end, all will be well and as they should be, but for now I really miss Daniel and I don't see that changing anytime soon.
"Suppose I called you up tonight
And told you that I love you
And suppose I said I wanna come back home
And suppose I cried and said I think I finally learned my lesson
And I'm tired of spending all my time alone
If I told you that I realize you're all I ever wanted
And it's killin' me to be so far away
Would you tell me that you love me too
And would we cry together
Or would you simply laugh at me and say
I told you so
Oh, I told you so
I told you someday you'd come crawlin' back and askin' me to take you in
I told you so
But you had to go
Now I've found somebody new and you will never break my heart in two again
If I got down on my knees and told you I was yours forever
Would you get down on yours too and take my hand
Would we get that old time feelin'
Would we laugh and talk for hours
The way we did when our love first began
Would you tell me that you miss me too
And that you've been so lonely
And you've waited for the day that I returned
And we'd live in love forever
And that I'm your one and only
Or would you say the table's finally turned
Would you say I told you so
Oh, I told you so
I told you someday you'd come crawlin' back and askin' me to take you in
I told you so
But you had to go
Now I've found somebody new and you will never break my heart in two again
Now I've found someone new and you will never break my heart in two again"
"I Told You So" - Carrie Underwood
Spring Things (mostly baseball) 2022
1 month ago
Oh Cyd, I can see how that song feels like the lyrics of your heart right now. My heart hurts that you are so lonely. But, the good news is that, I think you are doing much, much better. Sometimes God sends us gentle nudges, sometimes sharp elbows, sometimes slaps in the face, and sometimes brick walls to show us that we're heading in the wrong direction. I know you hit a brick wall but I'm glad you made a U-Turn and now you're on a better path. I'm so proud of your growth. Don't get discouraged.
Cyd, I love you girl! I am glad that you are doing better than you were. I have no idea what is going on with you, but know that your old friend is keeping you in her prayers. I wish you the best happiness and love in your life! Call if you ever need an ear, you know I'm a good listener and am here, regardless of the years and time that has gone by. 801-318-2267. Take care and much love! Aloha!
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