Sunday, October 5, 2008



1. Did you date someone from your high school?:

no, my attention always seemed to be captured by college boys. Though there was one guy a couple years older than me that I really liked for a long time and as soon as I turned 16 and could finally date him... let's say it didn't last more than a few weeks. :) So much for true "love"!

2. What kind of car did you drive?:

1996 Plymouth Neon- old faithful that would randomly not start and had really loud squealing brakes. It was a show stopper for sure.

3. What is your most embarrassing moment in high school?

Well I'm sure there are many that I can't recall, but I do remember falling down a huge flight of stairs my freshman year. Awkward.

4. Were you a party animal?

of course not... !!!

5. Where you considered a flirt?

sure! You gotta have a little fun right?

6. Were you in band, orchestra, or choir?:

I really wanted to be in band but I moved to Ohio right before 7th grade and the kids there were already ahead so I felt insecure about joining. I did do choir every year and loved it. Still really miss it!

7. Were you a nerd?

some people probably thought so, I really wasn't all too thrilled with high school and was dying to get out which is why I graduated a year early. I only did extracurriculars for the purpose of college applications. I did French Club, Peer Mediating, sorta did journalism, and was a part of Mu Alpha Theta which is the math nationals honor's society.

8. Were you on any varsity teams?

No I was too chicken to really try to get involved in sports. Really regret it now though.

9. Did you get suspended/expelled?


10. Can you still sing the fight song?

did we even have one???

11. Who were your favorite teachers?

I loved my freshman Biology teacher Mr. Thompson. yeah I think that's about it.

12. Where did you sit during lunch?

somewhere in the cafeteria.

13. School Mascot?


14. Did you go to homecoming and with who?

Sophomore year I went with Brandon something, and Junior year I went with my then boyfriend Brendon Akey.

15. If you could go back and do it again, would you?

No siree! I was more than excited to blow that joint!

16. What do you remember most about graduation?

I remember feeling mildly uncomfortable since I was graduating a year early and wasn 't really friends with anyone in that class. I also remember feeling excited to be seated between 2 boys that I found really attractive. You win some you lose some :)

17. Where did you go senior skip day?

Again I was technically a junior and didn't exactly have a normal senior year so I don't think I participated in Senior skip day.

18. Have you gained weight since then?

I wish i could say no.

19. Who was your prom date?

sophomore year i went with Matt Carroll and junior year Josh Asher

20. Are you planning on going to your 10 year reunion?

If I could go to the reunion with my original classmates and not my actual graduating class I would go.

21. Looking back, what advice would you give yourself?

I wish I would've made an effort to be more social with my class mates. I had my own group of friends outside of high school so I feel like I missed out on some potential friendships. I wish I would've participated in high school plays and gotten more involved in activities I would've enjoyed instead of just doing the bare minimum to rush through it. So my advice would be treasure the moments so you don't look back with regrets.

Tag, you're it – Monica, Kolbri, Leslie


Holli said...

Aww. I wish we had been able to go through high school together. I would have MADE you be a senior.

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